Step-by-Step Design Inspiration

We’ve all been there. I know I have. That one room that we just put the leftover furniture and random pieces that don’t have a natural home. The one that has no soul or real purpose. The one we avoid looking at or going into. You know it needs some love and attention but you just don’t know where to start.

This was me in early 2020. That room was our guest room. While I’d made it look decent, it was still lacking and didn’t fit in with the rest of my home. It had inherited the furniture and decor from the bedroom in our previous home, which very much does not go with the style of our current home. As a result, it became the place where all the things that didn’t have a place went. And since we all know what happened in 2020 – it also became the spot where we kept a few extra supplies. (Don’t worry, I wasn’t hoarding toilet paper!)

So I had this room that was lacking in many ways, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I had spent so much time and effort working on the other areas of our home that I (yes, me, the designer) didn’t quite know what to do. I knew that something had to be done. I was annoyed every day when I walked past this wayward room on the way to my office. I even knew the process that I had to take, but I also needed some extra motivation. I knew there were other people out there facing the same struggle, so I gave myself the ultimate form of accountability: I created my Inspired Room Transformation group program in which I led others in figuring out how to approach their next design project – and committed to doing my sad extra room alongside those participating. But that isn’t really the point of this post. The point is, how do we figure out what our vision is if we don’t already have it?

My guest room after completing the Inspired Room Transformation.

Step 1

Hire me. I’M KIDDING! (Well not totally, but you know what I mean). Okay, seriously now.

The first step is to figure out the purpose or function of the space. In my case, it had become a storage room and a guest room at the same time. What I really wanted it to be was a guest room, as well as a calm spot I could retreat to for a quick nap in the sun or to meditate.

Step 2

Work out how you want to feel in the space and, if applicable, how you want others to feel in that space. This can be tough for some people. We generally jump right into the look of a space, but I believe that by understanding how we want to feel, we have a far better chance of creating a space we really love. To decide how you want to feel in your space, start by thinking through all of your senses. When you are in this newly designed space, what do you see, what textures do you feel with your hands and feet – you can even consider how the space could smell and how it sounds.

This process isn’t always about visualizing the actual items that are in the space, but more about understanding the vibe that it has. So if you visualize it smelling crisp and fresh, that might mean that you use crisp white linens and green accents. Or if you visualize the warmth and smell of a campfire, you may choose cozy materials like sheepskin and warm caramel coloured leather.

For my Inspired Room Transformation participants, I created a Guided Room Visualization. Since they all found it to be a helpful tool, I have now made it available to everyone here. If you’re feeling stuck somewhere in the visualization process, this guided visualization might be just the thing you need.

Step 3

If the actual items and materials don’t come to you right away, do a bit of research. Look up colour meanings to see what colours best represent your desired feelings. Research different options for materials and think about how they make you feel. Maybe it’s about sourcing that perfect piece of art to capture that feeling. It can even be as simple as incorporating essential oils or candles with the scents you desire.

Step 4

Pull it all together. By this point you already know the function of the space, which will then inform what you need to have in the room and the right balance of free space and furnishings. You know how you want to feel, and you know what colours and materials will create that vibe. With all of this information, you can now jump confidently into designing the room. If you’re still looking for a bit more guidance, hop on Pinterest and enter keywords to get inspired by others (e.g. bedroom, white, green, linen, etc.).

See! This is what came up with those search terms - lots of inspiration! (via Pinterest)

So what do you think? Feeling more prepared to take on that next design project in your home? I hope so!

As always, I’m here to help if needed. We can work together 1:1, you can get on the waitlist for my next Inspired Room Transformation or even give the Guided Room Visualization a try!


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