about kierstin smyth design
We help our clients transform their homes.
Imagine how different your life would be if…
Every day you woke up slowly in a bed you adore, excited at the thought of walking to your dream kitchen to make a coffee at your beautiful coffee station that brings you so much joy.
Every item in your home had a place it belonged, every piece of furniture looked amazing but also felt right.
And you had a dedicated space where you could unwind and simply be present, without the distraction of clutter or that ugly wall colour your home came with.
While it’s easy to brush off little annoyances or inconveniences with your home and think you’re just being fussy, something happens when they start to add up. Maybe it’s as simple as feeling less happy or content when you’re at home. Maybe it means you stop inviting people over because you don’t want anyone to see your home. Sometimes it means more tension and arguments, lower quality sleep or even feeling anxious or depressed.
All of that needs to ends now… and here’s why.
Your home is your haven.
It not only represents safety and a place to lay your head, but is also where our dreams begin and can come to life. If you let it, it can become a safe container for supporting you in doing so much more. Living a life you love and becoming the best version of yourself.
And as you probably guessed, none of that happens by accident!
As an interior design firm in Edmonton, we’re here to help design a home that supports your life… (you know, the one you didn’t think was possible to experience!) From the functionality you need to enjoy the feeling of ease in your day to day life, through to pulling in elements that truly bring you joy and make you excited to wake up each day. This means getting to know you and your lifestyle, understanding how you want to feel, and then working within your budget to create something truly life-changing.

Meet the founder
Hi, I’m Kierstin and I want you to love your home.
Seriously. My life’s mission is to put an end to settling for homes that make us uncomfortable, uninspired and sad, and replace them with spaces that light us up, bring our loved ones together, and help us create the life we’ve been dreaming of.
I know it might sound cheesy or old-fashioned, but there’s a reason they say “home is where the heart is.” What that quote left off is the fact that our hearts need more than a roof and 4 walls to thrive. Trust me, I would know.
I spent so much of my life in a house that didn’t support me. And while I knew I was lucky to even have a safe and spacious place to live, I knew something was off. The space made me feel flat, on-edge, even claustrophobic. Everywhere I went, there were reminders that this house wasn’t the home I should be living in… the home I spent my life dreaming about.
Today, I have that home. The space that allows me to work, rest, play, grow, achieve, entertain, think, dream, and most importantly, love. Having a home like this has changed the way I spend my day and live my life. And I want everyone I meet to be able to have their own version of that. It’s why I became obsessed with interior design.
Meet Our Team