Collaboration over Competition
I’m sure you’ve heard it before, collaboration over competition.
This is something I aim to focus on in my business. The others out there who are doing similar things to me are technically my competition in the business sense of the word but in reality, I choose not to see them this way. Here’s why:
I am not the right designer for everyone. Everyone is not my target client. So if I’m not right for everyone, that means someone else out there is right for them.
So when I see other local designers doing amazing things I aim to celebrate it, to take inspiration from it and to support them in it. Because that way, everyone wins.
Is this always easy? Nope. It takes practice. We’ve been programmed to approach a lot of things with a survival of the fittest mindset. But trust me when I say, choosing to not compete is freeing. To just focus on my business and my clients is where it’s at. To collaborate with others to bring up our entire industry and community means things get better for all of us.
Photo by Tracey Jazmin
Last year I joined the DIDAA (Decorating and Interior Design Association of Alberta) Board of Directors for this very reason. I wanted to collaborate more with others in my field. And I’m so glad that I did.
And you know what?
Every single one of us on the Board does things differently. We work on different types of projects. We run our businesses differently. We have different skill sets. Different specializations. Different personalities.
Now I have a network of industry professionals that I can turn to when I need advice or even a recommendation for a supplier or trade. I have people I can turn to who understand what I’m going through - good and bad. I have a support system and, perhaps more importantly, a referral system. Because when someone finds me and I’m not the right designer for them, I want to be able to refer them to someone who is.
So that’s why I focus on collaboration over competition.
Kierstin Smyth Design
Edmonton Interior Design Consultant